Corporate Governance Statement
STB’s Corporate Governance Statement can be found in its Annual Reports. Please click here to view.
Data Trust Charter
The Data Trust Charter represents our public commitment to secure and responsible data sharing and usage of the data shared with us by Industry Stakeholders joining us for the Singapore Tourism Analytics Network (“Stan”) and the Tourism Information Hub (“TIH”) as our data partners, and the protection of the privacy of personal data in that data sharing and usage. Please click here to view.
Whistleblowing Framework
Purpose & Scope
The Singapore Tourism Board ("the Board") has put in place a whistleblowing framework, through which anyone may report, without fear of reprisal, concerns that have significant impact on the Board and its operations, locally and overseas.
A person may report concerns relating to, but not limited to fraud, conduct unbecoming of a Public Officer or deliberate concealment of malpractices. The Board's whistleblowing policy is intended to:
a. Enable and permit the Board to address and take appropriate action as recommended, which could include, but not limited to, disciplining or terminating the employment and/or services of those responsible for the wrongdoing. For cases beyond the Board's jurisdiction, the Board reserves the right to refer them to the appropriate external regulatory authorities.
b. Assure the reporting parties that if they raise concerns in good faith, and they reasonably believe these to be true, they will be protected from any possible reprisals. Conversely, persons who do not make reports in good faith, and whose reports are vexatious or malicious, may be subject to disciplinary actions or have the matter referred to the law enforcement agencies.
Where the concern is specific to corruption/ bribery, a person should report it to the Police at 999 or CPIB at 1800-376-0000.
Whistleblowing Mechanism
Concerns are to be raised in writing to the Board’s Receiving Officer at The Receiving Officer is responsible for ensuring that the due process to address the concern is duly complied with.
As it is important for the Board to have the necessary critical information to effectively evaluate and investigate a concern, the whistle-blower is encouraged to provide the following information:
a. Name and contact details of the whistle-blower to facilitate appropriate follow-up, update of investigation outcome and also to mitigate the risk of vexatious / malicious reporting;
b. Name of the party whom the whistle-blower is reporting against;
c. Nature of the concern, including parties involved, dates or period of time and any material evidence;
d. How you were made aware of this concern;
e. Other additional details or witnesses that would be appropriate to substantiate the concern; and
f. Have you reported the concern through other channels and parties other than STB? If yes, which other channels and parties?
The Receiving Officer shall:
a. Acknowledge receipt of the concern from the whistle-blower within three working days; and
b. Take appropriate actions which include assessing the concerns received and recommending the next steps for decision by the Chief Executive or where applicable, the Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee.
If, at the conclusion of an inquiry, the Board determines that the concerns are substantiated and a wrongdoing has occurred, remedial action in commensuration with the severity of the wrongdoing will be taken.
The Board reserves the right to refer any concerns or complaints to the appropriate external regulatory authorities.
Confidentiality & Safeguards
The identity of the whistle-blower will be protected, kept confidential and made known to only the Receiving Officer, subject to any legal requirements or certain circumstances where the Board may be under obligation to reveal the identity to parties such as lawyers, the police or the investigators, or when the identity of the whistle-blower is required to facilitate appropriate follow-up.
The Board will not tolerate any discrimination, retaliation or harassment of anyone raising a genuine concern. For such act of victimisation, the whistle-blower may report it to the Receiving Officer.