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​​Please refer to the following links below to download Tourism Industry Conference 2018 materials.​

Opening Speech and Presentation​ ​ by Mr Lionel Yeo, Chief Executive, Singapore Tourism Board



Opening Remarks by Minister S Iswaran for "In-conversation segment with Mr S Iswaran", Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry)​

Opinion Editorial featured in Business Times​, written by Mr Lionel Yeo, Chief Executive, STB.

Concurrent Breakout Sessions​

1. Americas : Decoding the trends of the rapidly evolving US Market 

2. China: Sharpening Singapore’s Positioning for the Chinese Market​

3. MICE: Business (Events) as Usual? Maintaining Singapore’s position in the face of global change​

4. Marketing Innovation Programme: ​

      a) Earning Attention and Trust

      b) Reaching Your Target Audience

5. Digital Transformation: How to kickstart open innovation in your company

     a) Presentation by DBS

     b) Presentation by Expedia

6. Vietnam: Understanding and unlocking Vietnam's Market Potential

7. India: Connecting with India's Young and Growing Middle Class​