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Launch of Data College

Launch of Data College

Welcome! The Singapore Tourism Board's Data College has been launched in December 2020. Data College serves as a platform for Singapore's tourism industry stakeholders to discover how Data Analytics may value-add to their organisation. We invite you to view and explore content such as Case Studies of tourism organisations that have adopted Data Analytics solutions. 

More content will also be updated at regular intervals. We hope that the STB Data College will be useful as a first step in identifying competency gaps within your organisation, and direct you to relevant resources to plug these gaps. 

Have suggestions on learning topics for STB Data College? Share your feedback with us.


Our Latest Highlights for this month

New STAN features

New STAN features

STB has just launched a new release of updates to Singapore Tourism Analytics Network (Stan)! Explore new features added to Stan now via the Stan website. 

>> Visit Stan now 
