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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about an unprecedented impact on global tourism. Similarly, it has affected the entire tourism ecosystem in Singapore - attractions, hotels, MICE businesses, integrated resorts, travel agents, aviation, and more.

Tourism is experiencing a fundamental shift in consumer expectations and industry operations. In the industry paper below, the Singapore Tourism Board has identified five key opportunity areas which tourism businesses should look at, to adapt and thrive in the new environment.

As innovation and technology plays an ever more important role in future-proofing our industry, we are launching an open call for solutions to address the identified opportunity areas, to assist our tourism industry to build consumer confidence and emerge stronger.

If you have relevant technology solutions that are market-tested and commercially ready for deployment, join the open call by submitting your proposal today!

Thriving in the "New Normal" through Technology and Transformation

Read the full industry paper by clicking the icon below:


Summary of Opportunity Areas

  1. How might we enable a light-touch/contactless experience that can reassure and instill confidence in visitors?
  2. How might we reimagine the way visitors experience the destination and its offerings without being physically present, in order to build business resilience and identify new revenue streams?
  3. How might we enable real-time monitoring of tourism facilities and visitor flow in order to manage crowd density?
  4. How might we enable back-end processes to be light-touch/contactless, to ensure safety of our staff members who need to be on-site?
  5. How might we leverage technology to maintain a high level of hygiene and inform visitors, so that they are assured of the level of cleanliness?

Who Can Participate

Open to all technology providers, software developers, consortiums etc.

Why You Should Participate

  • Gain access to tourism businesses across various industries, including Attractions, Hotels, MICE businesses, Travel Agents, and more
  • Gain opportunities to scale the adoption of successful solutions
  • Gain showcase opportunities at relevant industry platforms

Annex Document: Important Details on the Open Call 

Read the process & key dates, submission requirements, evaluation criteria and more: here

The Open Call for Solutions and Digital Marketplace has concluded.

A 2-day Digital Marketplace was held over 29 and 30 July 2020, where tourism industry members were invited to attend and discover solutions that could help them adapt to the COVID new normal.

A total of 24 solution providers were invited to pitch their solutions at the Digital Marketplace: 

Contactless Experiences 

  • Delight Labs: A.I. powered voice assistant to power voice apps effortlessly through multilingual platforms
  • Eat2Eat: Dining technology solution to take ownership of reservation/delivery channels and contactless dining
  • GlobalTix: Cloud-based e-ticketing and distribution platform with real-time onsite visitor management
  • GTriip:  Digital identity platform and contactless check-in solution
  • Vouch: Contactless, A.I. powered digital concierge for guests

Virtual Experiences

  • FXMedia: B2B solution to create online events & exhibitions
  • ModelFactory@SIMTech: Interactive online virtual tours with a sustainable model to create them on your own
  • Plattar: AR customer experience platform to bring immersive experiences to your customers
  • Swag Soft: Gamification solutions with customised concepts, graphics and development

Real-time monitoring and crowd management

  • Brazn: Crowdsense platform that anonymously helps operators and facilities manage their capacity
  • Teradata: Real-time monitoring solution with data visualisation and alerts
  • Viatick: Bluetooth solution that enables visitor management and real-time monitoring of crowd densities at venues 
  • Xjera Labs: Video analytics solution for crowd monitoring, social distancing, and security

Safe workplaces

  • ADERA Global Smart Tech: End-to-end solution that automates and simplifies day-to-day practices such as staff attendance and temperature taking in the new normal
  • IFSC: Ecosystem of 5 collaborative modules including audit, user feedback, workforce management
  • Kent Ridge Healthcare: Contactless temperature taking solution using infrared and AI facial recognition technology
  • StaffAny: Software-as-a-service startup that helps business with dynamic manpower planning
  • SIMTech (HMS): Digitalisation of hotel maintenance, ad-hoc repairs and housekeeping operations
  • D'Crypt: BluePass, in-house contact tracing solution for businesses

Cleanliness and hygiene

  • Atmeco Asia: Self-activating disinfectant coating
  • Nanoveu: Film and SolGel based products for common touch surfaces
  • Republic Polytechnic: UVC Enclosures and Autonomous Robots to disinfect common items and surfaces
  • Spic and Span: Made-in-Singapore long lasting disinfectant coating
  • Techmetics: Multi-purpose UV robots that navigate autonomously and disinfect premises / high-touch areas

Thank you for your support. 


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