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Cess Collection for the Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix 2023

The Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix 2023 has been specified in the Singapore Tourism (Cess Collection) (Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix 2023) Order 2023 as a tourism event.

Cess is levied on all taxable transactions connected with the Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix 2023 and is payable by the operator of the tourism event establishment.

All tourism event establishments are required to return to the Singapore Tourism Board the signed and completed Cess Returns Form, which can be obtained from the link below, and cess payment for the Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix 2023 by 17 November 2023. You are strongly encouraged to refer to the Guide for Tourism Event Establishments (Hotel Industry) before completing the Cess Returns Form.

Cess Returns Form

Guide for Tourism Event Establishments (Hotel Industry)

F1 Order