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Check out our list of courses available to learn more about data analytics

Wondering how you can kick start your data analytics journey? Check out relevant courses that you can take to gain more knowledge on data analytics! 

How to navigate the course repository with reference to your TXI report

Step 1: Based on your company's TXI Data Domain score, identify the Data Dimensions which you would like to prioritise.

Step 2: Select relevant courses from our repository by navigating to the course listing for your current level. For example, Level 2 courses will be relevant, if you scored a level 2 for the selected dimension to prioritise.

Step 3: Refer to the 'data dimension mapping' column within the table, for relevant courses.

Step 4: Click on the link to register directly with respective training provider.

In no event shall STB be responsible for the content, provision or facilitation of the courses, registration of participants or any disputes, costs, expenses or liability arising out of or in relation to the publicity of these courses on STB's Data College website.

Have you done your TXI assessment?

Tourism Transformation Index (TXI) is a self-assessment tool designed to diagnose the current state of transformation in a company. It consists of a framework outlining the key success factor to transformation. Once the TXI assessment is completed, a report containing the diagnosis of the current state of transformation and recommendations to relevant programs will be generated.
